
ಠwಠ ゲジゲジアイブロウ ಠwಠ

Ah! Adhesive rhinestones! What are these to you? What is the USE of it to you? For most of us handicraft enthusiasts, we would use these rhinestones for arts and crafts purposes instead of using them to bling up our mobile phones (soooooo 2008) and such.

For me though, I use it for makeup! Ahahahha. These jewels and rhinestones (which I bagged off from POPULAR) are an abundance of artsy fun.. for my face. They make such a statement and brings out so much delicacy to your face, surprisingly. If you're a seapunk devotee, these rhinestones shouldn't be new to you. In fact, it's possibly one of the must-have items to fill in your makeup. I truly love the whole seapunk look although it was rather absurdly overrated at some point, but still, it's a great style! I simply appreciate the magnificent unique beauty the seapunk makeup brings out on a person.

Apparently I'm not a 'seapunk enthusiast' and I preferably wear my makeup with eyeliner that exaggerates the eye and extremely thick, bushy eyebrows. I rarely wear lipsticks cause the eye area is my core of priority, I have no idea why LOL. PLUS these rhinestones works great as false facial piercings too.

Oh btw, I've trimmed off my bangs! Heehheheheh shall I spam yaw with pictures of me and my bushy eyebrows, eyeliner, rhinestones and my new front cut? :3 ahahahha of course I shall! Please do excuse my attractive nostrils, they're too pretty to even be censored! Jk.

Contact me at awep.0666@hotmail.com

MY SHOE COLLECTION // 私の靴のコレクション

I don't really consider the amount of shoes that I have to be ever-so worthy of being considered a collection ahaha. Whenever I hear the word 'shoe collection' I immediately think of every celebrity princess' walk-in closets full of SHOES, SHOES, SHOES. We as girls and women, often obsesses over a specific accessory. Some of us like bags, earrings, or necklaces, etc etc.

And of course, my obsession is none other than; FLATFORMS and CREEPERS, basically shoes lol. I never really see it as an obsession but I can't help to click on the 'shoe' category whenever I do enter an online boutique. Taking pride and priority on shoes is nothing new to me. I am awfully proud of the shoes that I own and I love them to death!

Seeing that my loyal reader ACID has been requesting for a shoe collection entry for quite some time already, I've decided to make my own shoe collection entry today! :3 rather than just being thankful to my loyal readers for always visiting my blog, I think it'd be nice that I do grant their requests whenever I am capable to do so. So here we go!

✿ SHOE #1 ✿


Starting off with my ultimate favorite pair! I named her Mary Jane as I was actually looking for a pair of Mary Jane chunky shoes which looks like THIS and THIS at that time.I'm a major fan of gothic shoes so having a pair of those is a MUST for me. However, my desperate endeavor was a mega failure and so I only happened to found this pair which is rather quite similar to the ones I initially wanted.

I got this in 2012 from SHOES HAVEN for about RM60-ish. I can't recall of the actual price cause I believed I bought it like dinosaur years ago olol. I'm exactly that old.. MENTALLY.

The reason why I love it so much is because, it actually make my legs appear ultra skinny (I'm crazy about dog legs LOL) and they are comfortable too. Besides that, it's also an awesome versatile pair. You could just basically wear it with anything.

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✿ SHOE #2 ✿


SERIOUSLY, THIS SHOE GOT ME HEAD OVER HEELS! This pair was a gift from my awesome, fantabulous sister! It was my 18th birthday gift and holy shettttt it's by far the best! My sister got it from ebay and it was actually imported from Korea.

What I love about this pair is that it stands out from the other Converse flatforms. I adore the colorful pastel soles and the shoe itself is comfortable too, they're like cushions inside! I rarely wear this pair out because it doesn't really match with most of my outfits but it's still an A+ pair. I'm so gonna compile a truck load of stuff to match with Pastel Dash. She deserves more recognition hahah.

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✿ SHOE #3 ✿


I bought this pair around the end of 2012, way wayyyy before it was cool ahahahahha. I had my measurements wrong and bagged it off in a bigger size, so it's sorta loose in a way. But with the aid of the shoe laces, it kept my shoe from falling out most of the time ahaha.

This pair was from BEEYINALICIOUS BOUTIQUE and I got it for RM95 zomg the price is psycho! Damn it tho, I was seriously desperate for that pair. It really pisses me off when I found out 3/4 months later that other online boutiques has just only started selling the same kind of shoes at a way WAY lower price. This is so annoying. But that's alright, my pair of Jellos came with a bunch of colorful sets of shoe laces as well as a rainbow pair of knit socks. So I guess it's rather worth it.

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✿ SHOE #4 ✿


Shiro is honestly my favorite pair of creepers. She is light, simple but beautiful, comfortable and also VERSATILE. I'm simply in love with her and she's just so exquisite in a way. You probably don't see it but, she looks fabulous to me ahahah. Though, some times I do feel like adding abstracts and stuff on to her but then I would just remind myself that it's not a free gift and that I bought it with my own hard earned money.

I bought Shiro from FASHION SANITY for RM60-ish some time around Janurary 2013.

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✿ SHOE #5 ✿


Okay so, this is Leo. I wear this quite often cause, you know.. just cause lol. He's not exactly my favorite but I still really love this pair. I wouldn't consider Leo to be a quality shoe but it's still in good shape seeing the fact that I actually bought this in the late 2012 and that I've also been wearing it most of the time ever since I first bought him. However, the rubbers of the soles are kinda fucked up now, it's all crinkled at the bottom.

I got Leo from SHOES HAVEN for RM65, if I'm not mistaken lol.


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✿ SHOE #6 ✿


The only reason why I named this pair of spiked slip-on flatforms is because I literally thought "zomg those spikes are like Bart's hair" when I first saw it on the catalgoue. I was pretty obsessed about spikes and so I just had to have this pair to complete my collection of spiky clothing and accessories ahahah.

This is also from SHOES HAVEN and it costs RM60. I bought it some time in the middle of 2012.


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✿ SHOE #7 ✿


This is an inspired pair of JEFFREY CAMPBELL's stinger creepers in bronze. Jeffrey is by far the MOST UNCOMFORTABLE shoe I have ever worn. Since the sole has this rocking chair thing going on at the front, it's really hard to stay in balance especially if it's 5cm tall ugh omg nono.

Jeffrey was also my first online purchase, so, yeahhhhhh.. big whoop.


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✿ SHOE #8 ✿


Omomomomomomomomo this is the DONNY MILLER limited edition VANS slip-ons. I forgot where I got it from but it costs around RM300. CRAZY! I got Miller-san when I was 15, with my own money. I was so so so so happy when I finally bought him as he was the last pair left, I even made up a silly ass song about it. Homaigowd I was once a ridiculous 15 year old sugar rush freak ahahah.

I rarely use Miller-san cause he's like a jewel to me. Whenever I do wear him out, I can't really stay calm. Like, I had to check on Miller every minute just to ensure that he doesn't get scratched or get dirty or whatever. I'm super crazy protective when it comes to wearing a pair of RM300 shoes LOL. I've never had an 00TD entry with Miller-san on, so I've arranged an outfit for him :3


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✿ SHOE #9 ✿


Kiraku was my first ever pair of shoes that I bought with my own money. This shoe has been around for almost 3/4 years. I got this from a local CONVERSE store for RM120 (I think) when I was 15 ahahah omh. The quality of this shoe is so excellent, it never wore off at all.

I love wearing Kiraku on casual days. They're extra comfortable and pretty versatile too. However, I never had an 00TD entry featuring Kiraku so, yeah..


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Contact me at awep.0666@hotmail.com

❀ ♡ ホログラム ♡ ❀

My cousin has neverendingly convinced me to dye my hair lilac ever since I had my blonde, rainbow-tailed hair. I wasn't much into the pastel scheme, although it is extremely ravishing to the eyes, but, the color won't last as long. And I was utterly terrified of having the purple to fade into a brownish/red instead (just as what happened to the purple of my rainbow-tailed hair). So with that, I had the color purple pushed aside completely. However, she'd tell me how I would look sooooooooo absolutely dazzling if my hair were lilac. Thus, I was requested to send her a picture of myself, which to have her p'shop me in lilac hair. Explains the picture above *point point*

I think it looks great, honestly, but that is only because it was p'shopped. I doubt I'd ever look great with lilac hair in real life. Because in reality, I don't have that porcelain ultra-pale skin you usually see on every common Japanese/ Korean/ Chinese models. Sad, sad reality ):

But anyhow, since my cousin has worked so hard on 'shopping my picture and the fact that I love the way I looked in this edited lilac hair; I'm putting my appreciation to my ever so hardworking cousin by creating a Polyvore set based on the pastel purple palette.

I'm ever so in love with the UNIF GAMMARAY BOOTIES ever since I first laid my eyes on it. It literally became the love of my life where I had to go across the sea to officially make it mine. It's really, really, REALLY just the most depressing thing when I finally got the chance to purchase these pair of boots off on a local site but to only have it WAY out of my budget.

The whole holographic trend is nothing new. If you're fond of Tumblr or 'alternative/unique' styles of the west, you'd be fully aware of the latest trends that revolves around the fashion world in the U.S or the European countries. This trend was PROBABLY revived on the mid October of this year, through my observations, that is lol. I follow ISOLATED HEROES on Facebook and they have plenty of holographic goods, along with some other unique pieces which makes them stand out. YARDSALE666 is also a great site where they have a variety of unique items. I just love these kind of sites which promote extraordinary styles.

However, the freedom of having individual styles are often shun upon by the society of Penang. Being a Penangite myself, and having to dress up the way I like, without following any trends or attempting to be a clone of another ordinary Penangite, it's no surprise that I'd get ridiculed for the way I dress. On top of that, I get insulted for having a different hair color too. I'm literally numb to these kind of reactions, it happens almost everyday, it has already became a norm to me. I've been through this for almost 2 years now. Which is how I could just easily ignore these ignorant people with just the swing of my luscious hair.

It's sad and boring how local online stores don't sell these unique pieces which I am DYING to have. Every single site I've ever been to, literally has the same things in their catalogue. If they don't sell fake Long clothing, they either sell a T-shirt that has a big ass "NY" written on it, or just simply any other shirt that has Bart Simpson printed on. These items are wild trends promoted by the K-POP idols, which gave me a huge reason to resent on them because I'm getting really sick of seeing every teenager wearing a shirt that has "BOY" and an eagle printed on it. Like, come on, I literally had to get rid of 6/7 of my stuff off of my closet just because I see people wearing it too often around the area, which happen months after I initially bag off the item.

Whenever people stare at me, I often turn over to my boyfriend and ask if there's anything wrong with my outfit or is there anything stuck on my teeth/ face. And he'd be like "Yes, there's something on your face, which is.. your face," but he's mostly like "zZz there's nothing wrong with you. You look great LAH." ahhahahah maleh talk nicer to me lah ccb. Lulz juz keeds, he's a joy to be with and I am obsessively attached to him, I love him to death

Contact me at awep.0666@hotmail.com